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C0496-Magnesium Sulfate 7-Hydrated CP Bendosen-01.jpg

Magnesium Sulfate Heptahydrate CP (1kg) Bendosen, CAS No 10034-99-8 / MgSO4.7H2O (Epsom Salt)

RM 28.00
  • CAS No: 10034-99-8
  • Formula = MgSO4.7H2O
  • M = 246.47g/mol
  • Assay (Dried Basic): 99.7%

The heptahydrate takes its common name "Epsom salt" from a bitter saline spring in Epsom in Surrey, England, where the salt was produced from the springs that arise where the porous chalk of the North Downs meets nonporous London clay.

The heptahydrate readily loses one equivalent of water to form the hexahydrate.

It is a natural and organic source of both magnesium and sulfur. Epsom salts are commonly used in bath salts, exfoliants, muscle relaxers and pain relievers. However, these are different from Epsom salts that are used for gardening, as they contain aromas and perfumes not suitable for plants.